Meltdown and Spectre Samples

Example code for meltdown and spectre vulnerabilities

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This project is to create some programs which reproduce the problems of the vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre.

It contains some programs that try to reproduce the vulnerabilities described.

All programs are designed to run under Linux x86-64.

The main documentation is in the file Meltdown-Spectre.pdf which is the result of literate programming. The source for this is the file Meltdown-Spectre.nw (mirrored to GitLab).

Work in Progess

This is a work in progress therefore not all source code gives the expected results.

The following source codes are working as intended

If you want to generate the programs and documentation yourself go to Full Build.

Downloading executables

The binaries of the latest build are also available here:

A short description of the programs is also available.

Building Instructions

Build Samples

For building the samples you need the following packages installed:

  • build-essential (for ld)
  • make
  • nasm

Next you have to decide, either download or clone the repository or get the latest sources.

Download Repository

You can download the latest repository in various archive formats:

Alternatively from the mirror:

Then you can unpack the downloaded archive. After that continue with Building Repository.

Clone Repository

You can clone the repository with git (which must have been installed before)

git clone

or from the mirror

git clone

Next continue with Building Repository.

Building Repository

As prerequisites for a successful build of the samples you need the following packages

  • build-essential (for ld)
  • make
  • nasm
  • noweb

After extracting or cloning the repository go into the folder asm/ in the repository and execute


You can then find the created executables in bin/ in the repository.

Build from Latest Sources

As prerequisites for a successful build of the samples you need the following packages

  • build-essential (for ld)
  • nasm

You can download the latest .asm files as an archive:

Go on with Build Single .asm File.

Build Single .asm File

When you have the .asm file you can build an executable from an .asm file by executing

nasm -f elf64 -g -F stabs <file>.asm -o <file>.o
ld -melf_x86_64 -o <file> <file>.o

Now you have an executable <file> which you can execute.

Full Build

As prerequisites for a successful complete usage you need the following packages

  • git
  • build-essential (for ld)
  • make
  • nasm
  • texlive-full (for the complete documentation)
  • noweb

If you cannot install all packages (e.g. in CentOS) then you can alternatively use a docker container and use this for building. The docker image names are

  • For noweb
  • For nasm

To see how to build please refer to the CI build file or its mirror.

After creating your environment you can clone the repository with

git clone

or mirrored at

git clone

In the repository folder you can now execute the following command to create the executables (placed in bin/)


To build the complete documentation as pdf file execute

make pdf